
Edward C. "Coe" Heller is a Los Angeles-based film producer who believes that if everyone knows something to be true it is probably false. A friend, tired of listening to rants has suggested a blog as a harmless outlet. Coe believes it is vanity, and a chasing after the wind, but is unsure it is harmless.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I said it first

The "Boston Phoenix" has announced that it will not publish the infamous Mohammed cartoons. Some time ago the "Phoenix" achieved some notoriety for publishing pictures of Daniel Pearl’s severed head, but in a burst of honesty the editors have said that they will not publish the cartoons, not from any cultural sensitivity but rather because they are afraid of Muslim retaliation. It would be unfair, they say to subject their staff to the potential for violence from Muslims. And so we are censored.

"Outrageous", thought I, but then the words seemed familiar, and re-looking at a piece herein called "pseudonyms" it struck me. I said it first.


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