
Edward C. "Coe" Heller is a Los Angeles-based film producer who believes that if everyone knows something to be true it is probably false. A friend, tired of listening to rants has suggested a blog as a harmless outlet. Coe believes it is vanity, and a chasing after the wind, but is unsure it is harmless.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Pseudonyms have a long and glorious tradition. With some notable exceptions it seems that a practice good enough for both Jefferson and Hamilton and many in-between should be good enough for most of us.
The blogs are full of pseudonyms and debate on their propriety. One Asian-American website has some pseudonyms and some critique of them, apparently concerned about racial pollution of the web site.

I like mine for several reasons: Fun – it’s word play I’ve been saving for a few decades; Fear – the Islamofascists have silenced people around the globe, and it may happen here, sooner or later; Folly – it hides stupidity.

On the other hand, maybe if we needed our names and phone numbers we’d be more careful what we say.