A Month, Maybe Two
John died almost five years ago http://contrariat.blogspot.com/2013/08/. Now another John has died in December, at 58,
a friend, associate, and a guy I knew for 20 years and talked to four or five
times a week for the last several years.
The process is grueling with one dead guy and an extended network of
family and friends as collateral damage.
Now Peter has it, taking him next.
Big, gregarious Peter I’ve known for almost 50 years as a close friend
and colleague, and the doctor told him last week, “a month, maybe two”. Peter, a whirlwind of energy, intellect,
passions and compassion has been at it for a couple of years, taking this and
that treatment, up, down, scans, a whole vocabulary which has spilled out over
lunches like virtual puke. He is
philosophical, beyond worry about himself, quoting Atul Gawande, but concerned
for the loneliness he will leave his family.
What should anyone do with a month, maybe two? Trophy Wife says that my job is clear. “Show up and Shut up” which seems wise and
doable, and I hope I don’t let life get in the way of that simple task.
What would I do if it were me? I
don’t know. I suppose some people would
do a bucket list, a frenetic travel or spending binge, but I wouldn’t see the
value of creating memories that can’t be enjoyed. Other people might do what they ordinarily
do, ignore it until the day when they
can’t do it any more. Someone might
break down, and someone else might gather friends and family for goodbyes or
some kind of death watch.
I probably agree most with Morrie Schwartz of Tuesdays with Morrie that how we die doesn’t matter. How we live does. It should not make a difference if we have
one month maybe two or if we get hit by a bus and do not come home one
day. If I were guessing today I would
guess that I would not want to be a bother to people. Put me away, remember the good days and let
it be. And that’s what I think when it
doesn’t matter, it’s not me. Peter seems
to pretty much be at peace which is good, and I’ll show up and shut up.
Wasting time reading bookmarked sites. But this was not a waste of time. thanks for your thoughts and feelings re Peter. You are a dear friend. Are we not grateful for our drug Key Truda. You have shown up. Thanks
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