
Edward C. "Coe" Heller is a Los Angeles-based film producer who believes that if everyone knows something to be true it is probably false. A friend, tired of listening to rants has suggested a blog as a harmless outlet. Coe believes it is vanity, and a chasing after the wind, but is unsure it is harmless.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In Their Own Words

Middle East discussions seem to me to be mostly trying to make something complicated which is actually simple. Difficult, perhaps, but not complicated. The President believes that he can apply good will to arrange a real estate transaction in which all will live happily. I doubt it, and last week rockets flew from Gaza into Ashkelon, from Sinai into or over Eilat and 1 Israeli was killed by shots fired across the border from Lebanon.

I think it is actually much simpler than the President believes. I think the Muslims hate the Jews and do not want them there. On his side the President has goodwill and a healthy “can-do” spirit. On my side I have the words of the Muslims in a series of newspaper clips I have accumulated on my desk over the years.

In their own words:
November 25, 1999 – Yasser Arafat’s deputy Othman Abu Arbiah said, “The …Palestinian state is a stage after which there will be another stage and that is the democratic state in all of Palestine”.

April 14, 2000 – Abdullah Al-Hourani, chairman of the Palestinian National Council Polical Committee said, “As to the struggle, it will continue. It may pause at times, but in the final analysis Palestine is ours from the Sea to the River.”

October 27, 2005 – President Ahmadinejad of Iran says “Israel must be wiped off the map.”

April 14, 2008 – Abaas Zaki, Palestinian Authority ambassador to Lebanon says, “…after we take Jerusalem, Israel’s ideology will collapse altogether then then we will proceed with our own ideology, …and we will throw them out all all of Palestine”.

May 17, 2010 – Palestinian Television urges that the Jews go to “your original homeland” listing Ukraine, Poland and Germany.

July 13, 2010 – The Times report on Gaza quotes Ramzi, a public school teacher “…in a widely expressed sentiment. ‘All the land is ours. We should turn the Jews into refugees and then let the international community take care of them’.”

Those are just samples of what is on my desk. I cannot imagine a reason to believe that they do not mean what they say.


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